Just fyi, I did try google and the board search, but I could not really find what I was looking for. Also, I might not be the most computer savvy....enough to get into Dopus though.
I just recently got into itand started playing around.
Many results are very much how I expected them, however, I seem to be running into a problem with the "File Display Bar".
I put that one in quotes, since I assume that is the one I want to modify, according to the manual (gpsoft.com.au/help/opus11/i ... Lister.htm); I might be wrong about this, however (I think it used to be just the "Address Bar" in Explorer?).
Just so you know, I assume the terms I use here are correct, since I am using the German version.
I wanted to increase the size of the back/forward/up buttons, but when I enter customization mode -> right-click any of the three buttons -> edit -> Use large Icons, nothing happens.
Is there any way to create such a toolbar from scratch, or somehow modify the existing one?
You are doing the right thing, but it is probably being overridden for the toolbar you're trying to modify.
Go back into customize mode and look at the Toolbars tab. (From the main window, Settings > Customize Toolbars to get there.)
Select the "File Display" toolbar in the list on the left, then look on the right. It probably says "Image Size: Small".
Change it to "Large" and it will make all the buttons on that toolbar large. Alternatively, change it to "Default" and you can set size of the icons on the individual buttons (using the method you were trying before).
Wow, that did it. Thanks a lot for the quick response.
However, now I might be a bit more confused than before.
In the toolbar-overview, there is the "File Display Bar", unchecked however. Changing the "image size" here does apply the setting to the (invisible) default FDP, as well as to the coloured one that I intended to change in the first place.
So, just to clear things up here, the "File Display Bar" is the equivalent to the Explorer-default "address bar", right?
I hope this is not too confusing, I will try to add pictures later today.
The checkboxes in the toolbars list only indicate which "normal" toolbars are in use in listers (the main windows of Opus).
The file display toolbar is special since it always appears at the top of each file display (so you can have two in the same lister). You can change to another toolbar, or turn it off, under Preferences / File Displays / Border.