Any way I can monitor a folder location for new files? Such as a share drive. If my family / coworker adds a new file within lets say - R:/Share drive/Project 1/documents/
then I will know and can review
You could add the folder to a toolbar so any files made on it would appear (on the next folder change or other event that refreshes toolbars). Would not be a good idea if that R:\ drive is not always there, though.
To properly monitor a folder and run events when files are created, there are tools for that which run in the background and are probably better suited. You could make them run Opus commands if needed.
Another option is a button or hotkey which processes everything in a folder, which is useful for some things. (For example, I have an Opus system-wide hotkey to convert all *.WebP files downloaded to my desktop to JPGs, so I can then upload them to another website without having to leave my web browser to do the conversion. Not sure that kind of thing would work here but you could push a button to open any new documents in that folder, for example. A button which opens the folder might be better and safer, though.)
Setting up a task at user specified time intervals in Windows Task Scheduler may be of help.
A simple resultant effect as a Directory Opus event does seem to be a challenged problem to me at the moment at least.
Okay, maybe this is something AHK can perform. Unfortunately, on my work computer, I only have approval for Directory Opus and AHK so not sure about creating window tasks, etc.
Simplie, I'm sorry.
I was just trying to get this thread going and keep it topical to Directory Opus.
The problem can easily be solved externally with old school DOS batch files and something to display the results.
AHK is not needed to do this. I
I'm now old school and humble, definitely not a computer science fellow .
My generation was smart to not touch the company computer and to
make certain nobody said they did.
There are exceptions.
Leo is one of them.
And I'm not all that much older than him.
Btw I came up with a solution by creating a stored query and filtering files by last 30days and then sorting with newest on top. I also binded a key to go to this query which refresh upon navigating to. This way I can monitor new network files.