Mouse Wheel Numbs Home/End

I've noticed when using the mousewheel to scroll in listers, it sometimes stops the Home and End keys from working. You have to fiddle around for them to start working again.

What do you mean by “fiddle around with them”?

I don't really know exactly when it starts working again. I click around on different things or use the scroll wheel again. But eventually using the scroll wheel, Home and End will stop working again.

I suspect it's due to the first/last items already having keyboard focus, where pushing home/end doesn't do anything.

In the next update, we'll make it scroll in that situation, even when there's no focus/selection change to make.

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Yes, that's it. If I scroll down, then Home doesn't work. If I scroll up then End doesn't work.
It can be annoying if I have something selected, then scroll down to have a look at the other files, then want to return the view to my selection with one button, but can't.