New user here and I can't believe it took me so long to find Directory Opus. It saves me so much time every day!
However, I have problems figuring out how to create a button that does the following:
Move all selected files to a new subfolder and names the subfolder with parts of the first selected file's name in the list.
To be more specific what I want to use this for:
I am organizing all personal photos I've take through the years. The images are named Photo_YYYYMMDD_HHmmssXXX.jpg. (XXX=random number to avoid conflict if several images were taken the same second)
I have already put the images in folders matching the dates they were taken.
What I would like to do now in each of these folders is to select all images taken for example between the times 10:00 - 12:00 and press a button that creates a subfolder named 1000 (HHmm - the hour and minute specified in the file name of the first selected file) and move the selected files here.
Is it possible to create a button that executes this?