Moving central Divider inbetween custom styles

I remember seeing a while back a post that explained how you could dynamically position a toolbar when switching between two style, but I've not had much luck finding it today.

Basically, what i'm trying to do is:

I have two styles. The first is more for working with lots of files:

The Second is meant to be more of a traditional explorer style that is better for looking at lots of files simultaneously in thumbnail, etc.

However, when switching between styles, the middle tab bar(highlighted in pink) moves to the extreme right side. I prefer to have it in the position its located at in the first picture. Is there any way to accomplish this at all? I'd be obliged for any help anybody has to offer. :slight_smile:


The highlighted toolbar is directly to the right of the first file display in both screenshots, so it already is in the same place im both.

You can't make toolbars jump to new placements via styles alone.


I take it you mean that you can't make the toolbars jump via the styles tabs in the "tabbar"?

I made two buttons which I've mapped to hotkeys, whivh is the method that I prefer to use for switching tabs:

open explorer

Prefs STYLE="Explorer"
Toolbar SideBar CLOSE LOCAL
Toolbar SideBar STATE=tree LOCAL

Open dual

Prefs style="Deafault_mid"
Toolbar SideBar CLOSE LOCAL
Toolbar SideBar STATE=center LOCAL

It works as I want it, but I'm encountering two issues that I hope you can help with. :slight_smile:

  1. If I'm in dual mode and already have tabs open in both source and destination, if I switch to single pane mode and then back to dual pane mode, the tabs in the destination lister are all closed and a single empty tab remains. The option to "close existing folder tabs" for both styles in question is already disabled. Is there any way to sort this out?

  2. The second issue that if I open a new instance of a lister, it remembers the last style used (which obviously does not have the associated toolbar open & close commands), the middle toolbar is missing. I can reenable it by pressing one of the hotkeys for the commands created above. Is there anyway to run these commands automatically on starting a lister or another method to avoid this situation? I had a try with:

"C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" /acmd Prefs STYLE="Deafault_mid"

but it doesn't see, to work.

Best regards,

Instead of toggling the dual display with styles, use this command:

Set DUAL=toggle,remember

That will remember the tabs open on the other side.

For the other question, you can set Opus not to automatically change the default lister via Preferences, or just use Settings > Set As Default Lister.

Thanks for the quick reply Leo! :slight_smile:

The set dual toggle command works like a charm, which is awesome!

The command to open the dual display as the default lister partially works, in that dopus correctly recalls that particular style, but the middle toolbar is still missing when I first open a lister until I explicitly enable it with one of the two buttons I created earlier. Please see pic below:

Indeed, because styles don't have any connection to toolbars or vice versa. You'll need to run an additional command if you want to change toolbars in the new window.

Ok. Now worries. How would one go about that? :slight_smile: Do I have to modify the launching shortcut?

Hi still stuck on this. any help anyone has would be appreciated. :slight_smile:

You've got the toolbar commands in your earlier post already. Which part do you need help with?

sorry, i really didn't understand what you meant in your last post :confused:

you said i needed to run an additional command so that when i open a new lister, the toolbar is opened.

what is this additional command?

at the moment with the two buttons i have, if i open a new lister, the middle toolbar is disabled. so i assumed you meant and additional switch to the shortcut the launches opus?


The additional command to open the toolbar is just the Toolbar command that you've already got above. The general way to open a new window and then give it a new local toolbar looks like this:

Go NEW [Toolbar "YourToolbarName" LOCAL]

(That's using the relatively new embedded commands feature to send the command to the new window after it opens.)

I guess what you're asking is how to run that additional command? If that's what you need, there are a bunch of ways to do it and it depends how you want to open the window.

Do you need it to work with dopusrt.exe? Or do you want an icon on your desktop or in your start menu or similar which you can double-click? Or an Opus system-wide hotkey? Or something else?


I usually open directory opus in three ways:

  1. Double-click on desktop
  2. click quick launch icon
  3. double-click dopus icon in system tray.

If it is possible to get these three things to open the toolbar automatically, that would be perfect! :slight_smile:


Give this a try, it should cover most of those cases (possibly not the quicklaunch icon if Opus is already running):

First, create a new User-Defined Command that runs the two lines in my last post.

Then, go to Preferences / Launching Opus and set the various pages to run that command instead of opening the default lister (or whatever they were set to before).

If the quicklaunch case still isn't quite right, is that the actual XP-style quicklaunch bar we're talking about, or the Windows 7/8 taskbar with pinned apps?


I had a try at this, but it's got me tearing my hair out! :frowning:


[Toolbar SideBar STATE=tree LOCAL]

Set DUAL=toggle,remember
set TREE=on,left
set TREE=on,right
Toolbar SideBar CLOSE LOCAL
Toolbar SideBar STATE=center LOCAL
set TREE=off,left

Toolbar SideBar CLOSE LOCAL
Set DUAL=toggle,remember
set TREE=off,right
set TREE=on,left
Toolbar SideBar STATE=tree LOCAL

The suggestion to open the toolbar using the custom command worked well, but the problem comes from the toggle command.

When using toggle, there are at least four possible states, some of which are accessed by accidentally pressing one of the buttons to change the display twice in a row. Then you have to press combinations of these buttons repeatedly to get it back to the layout you want.

Additionally, even if you have not made the above mentioned mistake, opening another lister invariably results in an incorrect configuration, so you have to do the button dance again. probably because of conflict from the startup command "Go NEW, [Toolbar SideBar STATE=tree LOCAL]"

Is there any way to achieve remembering the folders without using the toggle? :slight_smile:

best regards,

You can use @ifset:dual=on to run different commands if dual display is currently on, and another set of commands if it is currently off.

Simple example that lets you see what is happening by opening different windows in each state:



Finally got time to check this and have moved part way to getting it working, but am stuck on a single issue. The code is setup as follows:

Launching opus in all ways launches a custom command "MiddleBar"

Go NEW [Prefs style="Deafault_mid" Toolbar SideBar CLOSE LOCAL Toolbar SideBar STATE=center LOCAL]

I've created a button that should toggle between Explorer and the custom dual pane lister:

Toolbar SideBar CLOSE LOCAL
set TREE=off,right
set TREE=on,left
Set DUAL=toggle,remember
Toolbar SideBar STATE=tree LOCAL

Set DUAL=toggle,remember
set TREE=on,left
set TREE=on,right
Toolbar SideBar CLOSE LOCAL
Toolbar SideBar STATE=center LOCAL
set TREE=off,left

The first Lister I open works great, opens in the right view and toggles inbetween explorer style and dual style totally fine. If I then open a second lister, the dual pane view always works fine, but explorer view becomes incorrect for both the 1st and second instances of the lister. Like so:

I've tried different variations of the code, but can't get rid of this problem. If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated. :slight_smile:
