Moving directories seems to move individual files instead of the directories themselves


I'm using Opus 13.5 at work.
This morning I unpacked a zip file, and the contents were in a sub-directory with the name of the file. So I went into the "root" and cut the directories, moved up one directory and pasted, expecting an "instantaneous" operation of just the 4 directories moved. Instead, what happened was that the individual files and folders were moved recursively, and since it is about 35 GB it would have taken a while (about 50 minutes by Opus' estimate). (It felt like when you move stuff between network drives that first has to make a copy then delete.) So I interrupted the process and used the command line to move the "unmoved" ones, and it worked as expected. Luckily the "in limbo" one only contained a few left over entries so it moved relatively quickly using Opus after moving the other directories with cmd.

Just for some context, the files themselves reside on a VHDX file that was mounted in a subdirectory somewhere on the C: drive.

That should be fixed in current betas.

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