In Directory Opus 10.5, when I try to move files from my hard disk to my Sony Xperia Arc S / Nokia N97 and other phones, but it acts as a Copy, because the original files remain in the hard disk.
I've tested to set mtp_enable to False in the advanced configuration, but the problem persists. I don't want to always set my phone transfer mode to Mass Storage Mode each time I connect it, as it then shutdowns applications on the SD card.
Anyone got the same behaviour ? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your answer. In fact, I just realized that from 10.5 version I have to ENABLE this option to make 'moving' work, I didn't understand how it worked, as some people were complaining about problems where the option were enabled, and I didn't realized I had to left it enabled.
One last thing is (it hapens with file explorer too), that renaming files or folders takes ages... But that's not related to Directory opus (afaik).