Multi-line folder-tabs!

Is there an option to make the FOLDER TABS Multi-Line?

If not: PLEASE make it OPTIONAL that Folder-Tabs can be MULTI-LINE. That would be very helpful!

There isn't, but if you have a lot of tabs then placing them on the sides instead of above/below is often a good solution, and already an option.

Multi-line tabs can look quite nice with angled corner tabs.

That takes a lot of space away from the Lister content, especially when the files are shown in DetailView. I believe that users should be able to decide how they want to organize their UI controls for THEMSELVES. FORCING users how to use their software by the software vendor is a way that experience has proven wrong.

What a ridiculous thing to say about Opus.


Opus is indeed an excellent software that provides an almost unlimited amount of customization. Please don't believe I "hate" Opus just because I posted a simple suggestion. I am using Opus BECAUSE it's a customizable software. But please accept a suggestion even if my avatar is green. :wink: