Multiple problems possibly assocaited with Opus or Dopus

I use Zone Alarms, and unlike other software proection systems it has kept my computer trouble-free for over a year. Norton I gave up on after the 16 step (if I remeber correctly) removal process provided by Symantec (which didn't work)

I was able to install Opus 8 , and with great reservations gave it trusted status in ZoneAlarms.

A number of things are not working.

  1. Unable to drag and drop commands to a toolbar ( separate positing)
  2. I use a number of external USB drives for back-up puposes. Since I installed Opus, some of these have become duplicates under "My computer", i.e. G also appears as H etc. with same content size, and free space. I have never expereinced this before.

Has anybody else experienced these problems?
I am still persvering only for one reason, namely the file management functionality that Opus could provide if it is not the cause of these problems.

I will be meeting my computer guru tomorrow morning and I think I know what he will say.


  1. We're already discussing this problem in another thread. Let's keep the discussion in one place.

  2. Do you see the same thing in Explorer? Can you make it happen even if Opus isn't running? Opus doesn't really have any control over which drive letters drives are assigned.

A little while ago a similar problem with duplicate drive-letters cropped up and everyone was blaming Opus (even though it happened if Opus wasn't even started after a reboot :slight_smile:) but it turned out to be caused by an update to a program called Spyware Doctor. I believe it was fixed in that program's next update, though.

  1. We're already discussing this problem in another thread. Let's keep the discussion in one place.

I cant find the link to this. Could you provide it, please?


Er, you posted in the topic 4 hours ago:

[Problem with drag and drop to toolbars (renamed thread))

Yes, I know I posted this 4 hours ago.

I am referring to your message which seesm to be relevant to my problem.
" A little while ago a similar problem with duplicate drive-letters cropped up and everyone was blaming Opus (even though it happened if Opus wasn't even started after a reboot Smile) but it turned out to be caused by an update to a program called Spyware Doctor. I believe it was fixed in that program's next update, though."

It is the above message that I would like the link for, not my own message which I am fuly aware of.


Ah, so we're talking about point 2. A search on Spyware Doctor finds the original thread: ... are+doctor

Also this FAQ entry which summarises it, but there's more in the original thread. ... are+doctor