My DOpus crashes when I move the mouse on it

Hi, guys. I first installed DOpus vs. 13.7 and used it free of charge. As I liked it, I bought a license but first updated to version 13.10. Since then I can no longer use it, as it crashes as soon as I move the mouse over any part of it. Can't even insert the certificate data on it. What should I do to restore its functionality?

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Do you mean you were using a dodgy copy of 13.7 before buying and updating to 13.10?

If so, something from the dodgy version may still be left over.

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Well, Leo, I uninstalled the previous version prior to installing the new one. B.T.W., the installer asks for it. I guess something old is in the Windows registry. The problem is: what to extract and delete?

Uninstall again, reboot, and make sure the
C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus directory is completely gone before reinstalling.

Please link your account.

If you still see problems, check for crash reports to email to us: Automatic crash logs (for bug reports)

Asks for what?

the installer of the newer version asks for deletion of the older one.
I've already did as you suggest: I had uninstalled everything before, rebooted the PC, then I installed the newer version. It continued crashing as I tried to click on any file it shows.
Nevertheless, I'll do it one more time, taking care to watch for the erasure of the directory you pointed out.
Thanks anyway.

Please link your account.

B.t.w., I still did not succeed in installing DOpus 13.10. I even tried to install version 13.7. None of them were successful. I did as you suggested, but all the same, sadly.

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Were there any crash logs? I don't thing we've received any, FWIW.

What does the error/crash dialog look like?

the program simply closes the session without warning or anything else. The window with two directories, which opens up as I click on the icon, closes as soon as I move the mouse. there isn't any crash report.

Leo, I recorded a small video with the issue. I hope it helps in dealing with my problem.

It seems that the previous Opus installation wasn’t fully removed, and the Windows folders appear disorganized. This might be one of those rare cases where a registry cleaner could be useful. Is the entire PC behaving unusually or running sluggishly?

The status bar config is all messed up as well. I would try doing a config backup (Settings > Backup & Restore), then uninstall Opus to reset the config and reinstall it again, and see if the problem happens with a default config. (Don't restore the config backup yet.)

Make sure the installer you use is properly signed by us as well:

Hi, lxp. No, the entire PC works normally. I had the same suspicion as you. I think I might know what registry key should be cleaned before working with any program that cleans up registry.

Leo, I am sure I'm using the official installer, downloaded from Dopus site. Help me with your suggestion: to do a config backup, I should be able to open "settings>backup & restore", shouldn't I? The problem is that any move I make with the mouse, closes DOpus. So, I'm stuck in this problem.

The config doesn't look very modified so maybe the backup isn't needed.

I never looked into that, but is the config backup lauchable via dopusrt (to avoid mouse over opus window) ?


"C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" /cmd Prefs BACKUPRESTORE

Hi, guys.... unfortunately, none of your suggestions helped me solving this issue. I'm almost giving up using DOpus! I've backed up the original config as well as one that I had modified as soon as I installed the first version. I tried to restore both, each install session, and the program keeps behaving like I recorded before.

Did you try first with default config before restoring as suggested by Leo ?

Yes. At this moment, my Dopus is in default config.