My minimal setup

This is inspired by KDE Dolphin which I like a quite a bit more than Windows Explorer. Would be next level if Directory Opus was also available on Linux but I understand how difficult that would be regarding UI and file system handling.

Now off to buy a license for Opus. The crazy amount of customization and proper dark mode for everything convinced me.

Btw, anyone know if there is a way to make toolbars wider? The left hand "menu" of drives and folders is a toolbar but I wanted a bit of space between the text on it and the right-hand panels so I've inserted another empty toolbar between as workaround for now.


You could insert a label and fill it with spaces.


Neat. Interesting with the toolbar at the bottom too. I also have to try having one there. Have you tried having a toolbar at the top and starting "Move-top-row toolbar into the window title bar"
It's sad that Dopus 13 doesn't work in Wine otherwise I would run more Linux in the future.

Oh wow, that is cool. Did not know there was option to add it to the title bar. Will run it like that for a bit and see how I feel about it. I like having it "out of view" since I do not access it often enough but still want easy to reach spot when needed.

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