Mysterious FTP bug with copy

At first I've copied the MIS directory from my FTP to my local hard disc (a backup). OK. (see Bug_FTP_01.png)

After that I've deleted some files inside the MIS directory structure on my FTP (not with DOpus!). OK.

Then I've deleted the whole MIS directory on my local hard disc. OK.

Then I've tried to copy the MIS directory from FTP to my local hard disc again but an error has occured (see Bug_FTP_02.png) and I've aborted - but the directory on my local machine has been created with the one file which I've deleted on my FTP! Mysterious - from where is it coming?

"Use File caching for FTP" is not enabled.

I'm having this situation the 3rd time ...

Is there any data in the file which was created, or did Opus create the empty file and then have an error because it could not longer find the file on the FTP site to copy?

Opus always caches directory information on FTP sites, even if caching of actual files is turned off, so deleting files with other programs can confuse things. Perhaps there's a bug where Opus doesn't delete the empty file in the destination if the source file turns out to not exist? It's hard to say just from the info/screenshots so far, though.

If another program has modified the FTP site then pressing F5 in Opus may help, though that would probably only update Opus's cache of the current directory. Reconnecting to the site would clear the directory cache completely.