Navigate inside jar

A jar file is a java program, if I double click or press enter on it, it is executed. But a jar is also a zip file. How can I navigate into it with DOpus. Without renaming the extension or removing the execute function of course.

Edit the .jar file type and set the Left Double-Click event to run Go or, if you want to leave double-click alone but still have some way to open .jar files in Opus, create a context menu item (or Left Double-Click + Shift event, or whatever) for the .jar filetype that runs Go.

Thank you. I have made a key "Ctrl + Page Down" with "Go {filepath$}".

I added the .jar extension to the field below in Preferences. I also created a Content Type Group in Opus File Types named Archives. To this Content Type Group, I add all file extensions that are really .zip or .rar files. In the Context Menu tab for this Content Type Group, I create all my related context menu commands in one place, so they apply to the all the related file extensions. These will also get export/imported with my Opus configuration and leave the Windows File Types alone.

You will not need your hotkey anymore if you add the extension, just double-click the .jar file to navigate it just like any other .zip archive.

EDIT: Whoops I missed the part that you wanted to keep the execution! You could always add the execution string back to Left double click + Shift event. Then if you double-click the file, yo enter it like a .zip. To execute you hold down the shift key.