Navigating folder tree changes pane

First of all I'm sorry if this has already been asked, but I've tried a search with no results.

I'm trying O10 and I'm very happy about it, but there's a little issue that really annoys me.

Here's the steps to reproduce.

  1. Open in the pane a subfolder (ie: My documents/Things/Other things/Target folder).
  2. Click on the arrow next to "My documents" on folder tree to close it (let's say you need to navigate to another point of the tree and don't want to scroll down).

You'll see that even the pane now shows "My documents" and not "Target folder" anymore.
I did not select any folder, I just clicked the arrow to shrink the branch so I don't want the pane to change. I may be doing it to ALT+CLICK another folder on the tree, so it opens in a new tab. So I don't want the active one to change.

Is there any way to fix this behaviour? I've tried changing some options but it didn't work.

Thank you!

If you collapse the branch with the selected item in it, the branch itself becomes selected. That's standard behaviour for trees on Windows, although how applications react to that selection change is up to them.

In Opus, you can make the tree and the file display less coupled by turning on the tree lock, next to the tree's close button. Opus then won't change folder when you collapse branches; only when you click on them. (But it also won't expand tree branches when you navigate to a lower level in the file display.)

Thank you! That's exactly what I wanted. I don't care about navigating lower levels. Actually, I prefer this way. Thank you again, I really like O10!