I've recently started using DOpus ( on Vista and have experienced some irritating problems with the navigation lock feature.
When exploring two local folders with the navigation lock enabled, 'GO UP' in the source lister is entirely ignored in the destination, so the listers become unsychronised.
When one lister is a local path and the other is an FTP path and the navigation lock is enabled, 'GO UP' causes a crash. This happens reproducibly every time. The error message states that error 0xC0000005 occurred in thread 'dopus_lister' at address 0x008060A1.
I'd be very grateful for solutions or suggestions!
Additionally, if you look in your %TEMP% folder you will see a directory called DOpus.Minidumps. In there are crash dumps, if you could send the most recent one from one of these crashes (just attach it to this thread) that would make it easier to track down the crash.
[quote="nudel"]Please give us some example directory paths and FTP sites so that we can try to reproduce the two problems.[/quote]This seems to occur for every example I have tried.
The problem for local paths - where synchronisation is lost but there is no crash - occurs if both source and destination are viewing 'C:\Program Files', for example. In this case, GO UP in the active lister is not mirrored in the other lister when navigation lock is enabled.
For the remote paths, I have exact local mirrors of websites I administer, which I access through FTP (over SSH Port 22). I obviously can't provide you with log-in credentials for these. For testing purposes, I have just created the local path 'C:\Users\Simon\Downloads\sgtatham\putty-0.60\x86' to match the PuTTY download anonymous FTP site 'FTP://ftp.chiark.greenend.org.uk//users/sgtatham/putty-0.60/x86'. Enabling navigation lock and attempting to browse to the parent caused the same crash.
[quote="jon"]Additionally, if you look in your %TEMP% folder you will see a directory called DOpus.Minidumps.[/quote]I've attached the dump for the PuTTY FTP example. dopus.20080210.121125.dmp.txt (85.4 KB)