I have created a button, now on a toobar in Dopus U, which I want to run a hot key (control + right bracket), on a selected file (the hotkey combo unzips a zip file to a folder with the same name as the zip file, in the active directory).
When I invoke the hot key combination from my keyboard, it runs a macro under another program running resident, and the macro works perfectly on the selected file in Dopus. The same thing should happen when, while a zip file is selected, I click on the toolbar button I've created Unfortunately, nothing happens (except the button changes appearance while I depress it).
In the "Command Editor" window for the button in question, I have the Hotkey combination shown accurately in the "Hotkey" field, nothing showing in the Function field, nothing in the "start in" field and in the Run field it says "Normal Window". The "show image" box is checked as is the "show label" checkbox.
Any idea of some things to try to make the button execute the hotkey combo, just as if I entered the combo manually from the keyboard? Nella
P.S. FWIW, before creating the aforementioned macro using another program, and creating the hotkey combo in the other program, I attempted to find a command within Dopus that would perform the same action as my macro does (which mimics right clicking on a zip file shown in a Dopus list of files, choosing "Directory Opus Zip" from the context menu and then chooses the 2nd "extract" option). The closest I could come to was a simple "extract" button, which did not produce the results I wanted.
Sounds like you've done two things wrong, both easily fixed:
[ol][li]You've made a standalone hotkey via Customize->Keys with the System Wide checkbox turned on. This means the hotkey works even if another program's window is active. Edit the hotkey to turn off that checkbox and that problem will go away.
[li]You've added a button with no command to your toolbar and given it the same hotkey as the standalone hotkey. This doesn't tie the two things together; it creates two separate things with the same hotkey. You should see a pair of red conflicts in Customize->Keys as a result.
If you want a button which also has a hotkey, delete the standalone hotkey from Customize->Keys and move the command it was running to the button. Now the button will execute the command, and the button also has a hotkey which you can use to execute the command.
You only need to add hotkeys to Customize->Keys if they're standalone and have no button. If you look at the Type column in Cusotmize->Keys you'll see some have Hotkey (those are the standalone ones) and some have Toolbar (those are hotkeys which come from buttons). You should see your button's hotkey in the list.[/li][/ol]
I've reviewed your post several times, and I have a threshold question, just to make sure what I'm seeking is feasible.
To my knowledge, there is no Dopus "command" to do what I want. The macro which I've written with another program ("Macro Express 3), is defined only to operate under Dopus.
My thought was to create a new toolbar button which only invoked the hotkey, which keystrokes I was hoping would then be "picked up" by Macro Express (running resident and in the background) similar to when I type the hotkey combo with Dopus is active (and everything works as I want).
I may not have clearly described the above in my first post. If you still think it can be done, I'll study the Help File and follow your directions. Nella
Opus can't send hotkeys to other programs. When you create a standalone hotkey or a toolbar button with a hotkey in Opus you are defining an Opus command which will be run when that hotkey is pressed.
When a button has a hotkey you aren't telling Opus to send a hotkey when the button is pressed; you're telling Opus to act like the button was pressed when it receives the hotkey.
If you want to extract the selected zip file in Opus when a hotkey is pressed then you can do that in Opus directly, without involving another program.
I'm a bit confused about exactly what you're trying to do, though. Could you explain exactly what you want to happen in the end?
I love a challenge and since your reply to my post, I've been studying the Dopus PDF help file and finally figured out how to add a button to a toolbar that when clicked while a zip file was selected/highlighted in a file list, achieved the results I desired.
I added a new button to the toolbar and then with the command editor, added the following to the "function" field for that toolbar button:
Copy Extract=sub here
Now, when I click the button while a zip file is selected, the contents of the zip file are extracted to a new folder residing in the same folder as the zip file itself, and the new folder's name is the same as that of the zip file (absent the *.zip extension, of course).
I appreciate your working with me on this quest. Nella