Need Help with a simple Detached Dialog

This VB Script should have been pretty simple I thought. But I am missing something...
This is a dialog to add the current folder as an Alias. But for some reason when I click the 'Add' button, it doesn't return with the 'Add' button's return code of 1. It returns nothing.. And the event is not 'click', it's 'focus'.

Option Explicit
' - - - - - ADD AN ALIAS - - - - -'
Function OnClick(ByRef clickData)
	' Get the Path to Folder.
	Dim sourcePath, ret, x, msg
	sourcePath = clickData.func.SourceTab.Path
	sourcePath = DOpus.FSUtil.Resolve(sourcePath)
	If Trim(sourcePath) = "" then
		MsgBox "You cannot use this Folder(" & sourcePath & ") as an Alias.", , "Invalid Folder Error"
		Exit Function
	End If
	' Create a Dialog object.
	Dim dlg
	Set dlg = DOpus.Dlg	
	dlg.window = clickData.func.sourcetab
	dlg.template = "dlgAddAlias"
	' Initialise the Dialog's controls
	dlg.Create	'Creates the Window but doesn't show it.  Allowing you to initialized controls.
	dlg.icon = "question"
	dlg.title = "Add Folder Alias?"
	dlg.Control("sPath").Title = sourcePath
	dlg.Show	'Displays the Window.
	DOpus.Output "ret: >" & ret & "<"

		Set msg = dlg.GetMsg
'		If msg.event = "click" then
		x = x + 1
		DOpus.Output "LOOP " & x & "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
		DOpus.Output "ret: >" & ret & "<;     "  & "Result: >" & dlg.result & "<;     "	& "msg.event: >" & msg.event & "<;     " &  "msg.control: >" & msg.control & "<"  
		DOpus.Output ""
		If dlg.result = "0" then Exit Function		' 0 THEY CLICKED CANCEL OR THE CLOSE X BUTTON:
		If msg.event = "click" And dlg.result = "1" Then	' 1 THEY CLICKED ADD:
			DOpus.Output "ADD"
			' Did they enter a Name?
			If Trim(dlg.Control("sName").Value) = "" then
				MsgBox "You must give the Alias a Name." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "The name should be all lower case with no spaces.", , "Alias needs a Name?"
			ElseIf InStr(" ", Trim(dlg.Control("sName").Value)) Then
				MsgBox "You cannot have spaces in an Alias name." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "The name should be all lower case with no spaces.", , "Name Error"
			'	DOpus.aliases.Add dlg.Control("sName").Value, sourcePath			' Now ADD the new Alias..
				DOpus.Output "ALIAS WAS ADDED!"
				Exit Do
			End If
		End If
		' Prevent Endless Loop while developing.....
		If x > 5 then exit Function
End Function
	<resource name="dlgAddAlias" type="dialog">
		<dialog fontsize="11" height="60" lang="english" title="Add Folder Alias" width="305">
			<control halign="left" height="8" name="static1" title="Add Folder as a new Alias?" type="static" valign="top" width="91" x="13" y="6" />
			<control case="lower" halign="left" height="10" name="sName" tip="one word, no spaces.." type="edit" width="113" x="31" y="19" />
			<control halign="right" height="8" name="static2" title="Name:" type="static" valign="top" width="23" x="6" y="20" />
			<control halign="right" height="8" name="static3" title="Path:" type="static" valign="top" width="17" x="12" y="31" />
			<control editcontrol="yes" ellipsis="path" halign="left" height="8" name="sPath" resize="t" type="static" valign="top" width="261" x="33" y="31" />
			<control close="0" height="14" name="btnCancel" title="Cancel" type="button" width="50" x="246" y="42" />
			<control close="1" default="yes" height="14" name="btnAdd" title="Add" type="button" width="50" x="186" y="42" />
			<control height="8" icon="1" name="markuptext1" resize="wht" title="&lt;a id=&quot;;&gt;&lt;b&gt;Add Alias&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/a&gt;" type="markuptext" width="50" x="252" y="6" />

dlg.result won't have any meaning inside the dialog message loop. It only has meaning after the dialog has been closed, telling you which button was pushed to close the dialog.

It's also only really for simple dialogs, not custom ones. In a custom dialog, your code handles each button press, so it would already know which button was clicked, and some button-clicks may not close the dialog at all.

Interacting with Dialog Controls [Directory Opus Manual] has an example.

Thanks again for your replies to my questions.

I was finally able to figure it out, and it's working now. Cheers!!

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