Network/Shared Folder Icon Refresh

Hi, I searched the forum and FAQ, but didn't see this issue as being addressed before. I'm running Windows 7 64 bit and Directory Opus. The folder tree network/shared folders normally have a red x on the share folder icon to indicate not ready/not available. But when I turn on the computer or NAS which has the shared folder, the red x stays, even though I can access it and the files within.

The only way I can get rid of the red x for that share is to restart DO. The folder then has the correct icon, but other shares on the same computer still show as not ready. I've reset DO settings to default, and I was hoping this would be fixed in the release.

I've attached two pictures, the first shows the share folder "Data" with a red x, but also showing the folders within. The "NAS" share shows correctly but was turned on before I booted the PC with DO.

The second pic shows the same shared folder and sub folders after I restarted DO. The shared folder icon displays as it should. Note that the "Media" share on the same network PC still has the red x.

Windows explorer refreshes the icon and removes the red x as soon as the share is available.

Thanks in advance.

Has no one seen this problem before? I'd like it to work as expected. Thanks!

I have experienced the same thing (although rarely) where an "x" appears on each of my network drives. However, I don't believe this is a DO issue because I would see that in Windows Explorer too. It appears (at least for me) when for some reason my PC is slow to access my network. I know this because Microsoft Security Essentials and Teamviewer applications also have an "x" on their icons which means there is no Internet access. If I see an "x" on my network drives, typically all I do is click my mouse on each of the drives and the "x" disappears. Again, this is rare but it does happen. Most times my PC boots into Windows and accesses my network first and then loads my other startup apps. But on occasion it accesses my network last and loads my startup apps first. I hope that makes any kind of sense.

I've seen it in both Opus and Explorer in the past, although I'm rarely on networks where it happens regularly (large corporate ones) these days to still see it, so I'm not sure if Explorer copes better with it now than it used to or if there's something we could change in Opus to make it do the same.

If anyone knows a sure-fire way to make it happen, please let us know. We've tried adjusting the autodisconnect timeout in the registry (from kb297684) but haven't had any luck reproducing it so far.