Being a DOpus user for three years now, I can't imagine how I survived without it. Congratulations for your wonderful program.
Now the deal... Just purchased a new computer (desktop), and I was wondering if I could use my actual license with it, or if I need to buy a new one?
I'm currently using DOpus Pro on my laptop.
By the way, can my DOpus backup (32b) be used to restore the defaults on 64b version?
Since you most likely donĀ“t use Opus on your old machine any longer (& remembering similar Threads concerning that issue), i think, that should be no problem at all.
The Opus Pro licence you have allows you to use Opus on one machine plus one personal laptop, so if the laptop is your own (not a work one or similar) and those are the only two machines you use Opus on then you're entitled to use it on both.
Your 32 bit config backup will work fine with the 64 bit version, so there's nothing to worry about there, either.