I add meta data to my pictures using a vb program with a Dialog box to enter the data. It worked flawlessly until I installed the latest Beta 8 to get over another metadata problem. Now DOpus crashed very time I use my VB program. If I re-install the previous Beta it works fine again. Which to my mind shows another buglet has been introduced in the new beta.
After a lot of work I discovered that the crash occurs when I try to add data to the Author field with the instruction
ClickData.Func.Command.AddLine("SetAttr META ""author:" & authora & """")
If I leave the Author field blank in my form the program runs fine.
The code is of the same construction of the other SetAttr instructions that work fine
Just to clarify something, betas are by their nature liable to be unstable and untested and bugs should not come as surprise. If you're not prepared to put up with bugs you shouldn't be using the beta in the first place.
Can I just say that I spent 20 years of my working life helping developers to test software for some of the largest newspapers in the world. I am fully aware of the drawbacks in using beta software. To be fair, Opus betas are among the best I have come across in terms of the lack of serious bugs. I only went back to allow me to continue captioning my pictures. I have absolutely no problem with the beta before the current one, so it seems a no-brainer to go back to it.
I do not expect you to produce perfect beta software, and am perfectly prepared to help in the testing and report problems, which is all I was trying to do. To suggest I should not be using beta software is not an attitude I find appealing.
I do not know whether this helps: But further experimentation shows that the problem exists with the tags metadata also. Try to set tags using a vb script and the latest Opus beta crashes every time.
Move back to the previous beta and all is OK.
I do not know what is going on here. Yesterday I download the beta 8 version and got a file with a timestamp of 11:02 on July 7
15 minutes ago I downloaded the file from exactly the same place on your server the same place and got a version with a timestamp of 16:34, which on preliminary testing has the fix as you suggest.
I will let you k now if I run into further problems as I test further.
BTW add some metadata to the comment field of a psd file's metadata and you will get text corruption. Same happens if data is applied to field via VB program and
I didn't get the crash dumps email (checked spam filters as well), although if it is now fixed by the newer installer then there's no need to worry about them.
Maybe something was caching the old installer.
The timestamp on the actual downloaded file will likely be the time you downloaded it, not the time it was made. The digital signature timestamps in the Properties dialog for the installer would tell you when it was made and signed (in local time).
e.g. These are the three versions of the 12.0.8 installer I have. (There may be others. We update the installers with new translations sometimes when they come in, so people can start testing them without waiting until the next beta.)
I can confirm that the installer I downloaded today is the third one in your screen shot. I posted the crash dump to jon and will attempt to send it to you again.
Apologies, I think I know what's going on now. I hadn't realised a third installer had been uploaded, I think this was to release a new language DLL but it didn't include the fix for the metadata crash.
We're put out beta 9 today anyway so that will hopefully solve it for good