New in context menu doesn't show Notepad

Windows 11
Opus 12

When I right click an empty space of a lister and select New, the context menu doesn't show Notepad.

I tried to add it manually, but I couldn't find any relevent items in settings too.

Why Notepad doesn't show? (Windows explorer has it.)


PS: By the way, How I can change this dark them in this forum? I have sever problems with my eys and I can't see it well)

The "New" menu is based on file type, not application, and you have "Notepad++ Document" shown which would create .txt files for you.

How I can change this dark them in this forum? I have sever problems with my eys and I can't see it well)

You can change it here.

I'm sorry for not being clear. I have several licenses of Opus.
On this PC, I have notepad++, on others I don't have it.

The New context menu on other PCs shows only Office programs. How can I add a new text file on those PCs?

thanks again.

There's a hotkey:

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Is there any specific reason Explorer's New context menu is not the same as Opus?
I'm trying to understand it's a problem with my settings or a bug in Opus.


Can you show screenshots of both Opus and Explorer on the same machine?

I don't have access to my machines with English OS at present. Here's from Japanese OS (win 11).
Clipboard Image (1)


The phrase in red rectangular means Text Document, which clicking it, create a .txt file.
If necessary, I can send images from my PCs with English OS, but they are the same.

Thanks again.

I was able to use a remote desktop app to add the requested images from an English OS (Win 11)



So File Explorer is also missing all the Solidworks entries?

Or maybe the question is: Why Opus shows Solidworks items.
Because I'm using Solidworks since 2011 and have never seen it under New in all versions I've used. Or maybe I've not noticed.

To be sure, I'll ask it Solidworks forum to see if others have that item in windows explorer.
But still, there should be an explanation why Opus doesn't show Text Document, something that has been there since windows 95 (I believe).

Thanks again for your time.

Have you checked the entry? The default looks like this:

FWIW there are already some changes in Opus 13 to make Opus more compatible with broken registry settings for items in the New menu, which may fix the .txt problem.


Well, you may want to put it on a broken registry, But the images I sent from the Japanese OS, is from a brand new Dell Preceision PC. It's only 2 days old and I have installed only OPus and Office. I don't know how the registry of a 2 days old PC may be broken.

I also asked other Solidworks users in two forums, None of them has the solidworks items in their context menu. When mine, and all others' explorers does't show Solidworks, the real question is :
Why Opus shows them? Not Why explorer doesn't show them.

Here is one of the forum I asked. You can check the results for yourself.
The other forum is an only member and paid forum. You can not see the result unless you have a Solidworks subscription.

I don't want to go into an argument here. As I said I only wanted to be sure if it's something wrong with my settings or it's on Opus side. For me, seeing the results, I can say it's something with Opus behavior. You can decide for yourself.

For me, even with the discount, version up is too expensive for adding an item into the context menu. (And to be honest, I think it won't. Because I don't believe it's a broken registry problem)
I have two solution offered by @lxp, I'll test them and choose one. Thanks to him too.

I sincerely appreciate your time and others who did their best to solve this.
Million thanks.

This is mine:

I still don't understand your problem, the screenshot shows "Text Document" in Explorer and "Notepad++ Document" in Opus, but they'll both create a text file.

I think you missed my post above. (the third post from top)
How about in the Pcs that I don't have Notepad++?
Check the images that I shared from a PC without notepad++ in this post.

For what it's worth, I see a handler for text in both Explorer and DOpus. In my case the handler is Notepad++ but on a system without NPP it would no doubt be Notetab. Windows 11, DOpus 13.11.6

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Windows is a bit of a mess. Microsoft have decided to change how certain things are done, but had to remain compatible with how they used to do it, meaning there's several working ways to do the same thing that can actually get in each other's way.

As far as I know, there are 3 ways Windows adds entries to the New... menu:

  1. Context menu shell handlers in Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers. This is the correct modern way of doing it, as then multiple filetypes can use the same handler. However, it's as transparent as mud.
  2. Individual filetype classes (such as *.txt) in Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes.
  3. The ShellNew key in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, for each filetype.

Anyway, if you want to manually add a new entry yourself for .text files to have Text Document in New.., then you can follow this. It's for win11 but should work on win10.

Directory Opus appears to cache, so even if you add or delete a registry key, you'll have to restart it to see the change.

Be VERY careful about editing registry. Set a restore point, and have a backup.