New options for script dialogs

Greetings. Here they are some ideas I want to discuss about script dialogs that might be helpful:

  1. Click Through windows : Something previously requested is the possibility of using some functions avaialble thgough script dialogs only (e.g. WatchTab), but without being visible. At the moment, even if the window is set to transparent, the dialog can still steal focus. With this new option, a dialog would not only be transparent but also would not be able to take focus away from other windows ( I believe is the WS_EX_CLICKTHROUGH style).
  2. Regular Buttons on the Dialog TitleBar: It would be very useful to being able to enable the minimize and maximize buttons, especially for those dialogs designed to be used in full-screen mode, and for quick size change.

Would it be technically feasible to implement this two?
Thank you for considering it.


An option that I would find useful is support for a right click event on a dialog button. I can simulate this with a static control with the Notify Clicks property enabled and make it (kind of) look like a button by tweaking the static control's background colour but native right click support would be appreciated.

We'll implement these requests in 13.7.1.


Thanks! :+1::blush: