New PC, transferring DOpus from Win10 to Win11

Quick question (apologies in advance if this has already been answered elsewhere in detail; feel free to just point me to the answer if that is the case): I have received a new Windows 11 laptop, to ultimately replace my current Windows 10 machine. What is the best way to fully copy my (highly customized, of course :wink:) Windows 10 DOpus configuration to the new machine, including all layouts, custom buttons, etc., etc.? Is "Backup and Restore Configuration" all I need? Any specific caveats for the Win10->Win11 transition?

That's normally all you need.

I would get things set up on the new machine before uninstalling Opus on the old one, just in case you find something you need that wasn't included in the config backup (e.g. files stored outside the config folders).

Have a priest on speed-dial. :slight_smile:

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And, regarding the caveats, I meant w.r.t. DOpus on Win11; with Win11 in general, as with all things Windows, yeah, I know… :roll_eyes:

Oh, do I know… :grimacing:
Next project: Installing Classic Shell so I have an actual Start Menu, and then call that priest.

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