New Sort Options

I note the revised default sort options in I understand I can set a default on open for a directory in either reverse on normal sort. I personally like to have alphabetical sort a-z and date sort with newest at bottom. newest at top means that the latest file is under the directories and I do prefer directories before files. This means I can just go to bottom of directly to see new files. As I said I can set this as a default, what I have not found a way of doing is to switch between a-z and date whilst viewing a directory and to have both sorts default to my preferences - a-z and newest at bottom, I have to now click the date field twice to reverse sort each time to get what I require?

Is this possible to set the behaviour I would like in the beta, or could it be an option to keep the previous default behavior?

Use the Reverse standard sort direction option in Preferences / Display / Fields to return to the previous behaviour.

Thank you very much, unchecked the box and the old behaviour is back :slight_smile:

Help! On my Preferences / Display / Fields screen, the "Reverse standard sort direction" option is grayed out (and unchecked). Any ideas why?

(BTW, if you are looking for feedback on this change... I really really really dislike it. It is BACKWARDS. I'm sure you've got your reasons and so forth... but it's still backwards. Ascending text goes A -> Z, ascending numbers go LOW -> HIGH, ascending dates LOW/EARLIEST -> HIGH/LATEST. Try it with your favorite database, spreadsheet program, or anything except craptastic Win7 Explorer... which is also backwards.)

You have to select one of the columns for the option to be enabled. Scroll through the list of columns and you'll see arrows next to the ones that are reverse-sorted.

It's not backwards, it's arbitrary which way around columns sort by default. Opus now defaults to doing the same as Explorer which also happens to be the thing that most people want: seeing the newest things at the top of the list the first time you click.

Obviously we can't please everyone with the defaults. LOTS of people complained about the old default. If you don't like the new default then you're free to change it back and it only takes a second.

(BTW, if you want to offer feedback/suggestions you should link your account.)

Thanks Leo, I see my error now. All better! :slight_smile:

Regarding the sort, I'm sure you got complaints, but please don't forget all the complaints you didn't get from customers because they were perfectly happy with the standard ascending/descending sort order. And whatever you do, don't make the mistake of following Microsoft's lead on UI design. MS has completely gone off the rails on usability and ergonomics.