New viewer pane handling and locking of files (videos e.g.)

Hello! o)

Have there been reports about the new viewer pane plugins locking files occasionally? I noticed several times in the past. We also had a user over in the german forum with this issue..

Today, the day I was trying to reproduce the problem, I can't any more. I tried mp3, mpg, mkv multiple times, I can even delete these files when playing, which is very nice. o)

So maybe you already enhanced on this? If not and it happens again, I should come back I guess?

Thanks! o)

Ohh wait, I was not correct, I tried the wrong thing! o)

When an mp3 is selected and stopped in the viewer pane e.g., you cannot edit the file with MP3Tag e.g..
For some reason you can delete it with Explorer.


What could be the reason? If I select another file, so the viewer pane is not "busy" with the file in question anymore, MP3Tag will not complain anymore and I can save the tag information without a problem.

So, whenever a file in the viewer pane is not playing, should we expect it to be "free", no lock of any kind?

It's difficult to play a media file without having it open, unless a copy is made, which would be very slow for things like large videos.

Opus will get out of the way of itself if you move or delete the file it's playing, but it has no knowledge that MP3Tag is trying to modify the file.

Of course, when playing it is more difficult, I can see that.. o) But if the file is not playing? Many players have an option to not lock files, when "stopped" and nothing is currently played and the file is just "in there".

Why Explorer is able to delete the file not playing in the viewer pane, but MP3Tag can't even write a single tag is a mystery to me. Is there some event magic going on which MP3Tag is not triggering? Explorer: "Hey DO, let me delete the file!". DO: "Ok, I will unlock!", but I never heard of something like that.

I am always amazed by the old GOM Player (v2.x).. I can play anything in there and while doing so rename, delete or even move the file around. Up to this day I don't have the slightest clue on how it's doing that, but its handling is perfect obviously, does not get in the way at all.

"Stopped" just means "paused at 00:00" to the media playback APIs we use.

The playback API probably opens the file in a way which allows it to be deleted (where the delete will be "pending" until the file is closed, at which point the deletion happens for real), but won't allow a file it's playing to be modified.

Ah, ok.. yes, now that you say, but a file in "pending delete" is not removed from the file list iirc? When the delete happens with Explorer it's gone from the file display and the viewer pane also "clears". Not sure it's the same "pending delete" I have in mind, where the file will sit there and all permissions removed, waiting for the Windows internals to get their things straight until at some point, eventually, the file is gone.

That does not sound like you could influence it positively, mhh.. which raises some concerns! o))