Newly loaded theme crashes Opus

I have used Opus for about a week and have been playing around with various preferences\customizations and I can't say enough about this program to give it justice. I LOVE IT.

I do have one problem though. Today I downloaded a few themes and when I loaded the first one (Office_2003_Silver.dlt), it gave no warning and shut down. I thought OK the program needed to restart. It restarted fine and the new theme looked great.
But when I tried to look at the second (Nudel_Sand.dlt), It shutdown as expected, but won't restart. Every time I try to start Opus it looks as if it’s about to open, I see the Opus icon blip in the tray then disappear. Restarting PC with Opus set to load at startup has the same result.
There is no sign of it in task-manager ether.

Any ideas on how to fix this would be appreciated? (Without reinstalling if possible as I have made numerous changes).

I routinely delete the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GPSoftware\Directory Opus" reg key to double-check behaviour of problems I come across as this causes Dopus to revert to 'default' settings (except for file type and 'some' context menu modifications). Re-importing Dopus settings then successfully puts things back to the way I want them. I'm not sure if you've ever seen that Dopus allows you to export your settings or not and so you probably have not exported your old settings, but perhaps you could save this registry key before deleting it, shut down and restart the dopus process, and see how things are. Your settings would be whacked, but then maybe we could check them out and see if there's something in there that seems like a likely culprit causing the crash, and help you re-import 'working' registry info with most of your preferences intact?

Note- it doesn't help "now" - but in the future I'd suggest saving copies of 'known' good/stable Opus settings exports. As you learn more and more about the product, you will naturally change some settings as you go, and it's useful to be able to get back to a 'clean' state if you change too many things and cause yourself unexpected or unwanted behaviour. This crash is worse than 'unexpected' :slight_smile:, but it's helpful even if it's not a problem as dire as a crash.