I frequently make zip archives from within DOpus, but today it fails every time. The error message is:
"An error occurred creating the archive ... The operation is not supported by this VFS." I am initiating this from a button on my toolbar, and it has always worked before.
I have checked the archives section in Preferences, and the only thing that may be amiss is that there is no zip listing on the "Archive and VFS plugins" panel. I followed the "Download more plugins" link there, but I wasn't able to find a zip plugin there.
Any idea how I can restore the feature for creating zips?
Zip is built in which is why there's no plugin for it. It can be disabled using the Preferences / Zip & Other Archives / Zip Files / Enable internal Opus Zip support option so make sure that option's turned on.
Failing that, what command does the button you're using actually run?
The button is a yellow folder with a zipper and an orange arrow. Its label is "Add to Zip...". In the Commands tab of the Customize panel > File Commands, the closest match to that is the New Archive command. However when I right click on commands in that folder no menu pops up. So I can't go to edit to see if the label matches and what command it runs. In the User-defined Commands section I have nothing like that button.
No. I am trying to put a couple of folders and a few files into a new zip file. Actually, I also tried it with just one file, and that gave the same error message.
I just discovered that when in Customize I can right-click the button that is causing the problem, and there is an Edit function there (instead of trying to edit via the Commands pane. The function for the button is: Copy ADDTOZIP.
Unless there's something wrong with the temp folder, or antivirus is getting in the way of updating the temp zip file, or there's something like a space on the end of the path, name or password field that we can't see, I'm out of ideas I'm afraid.
If it used to work for you, try think about config and software changes made since then. Maybe it will be related.