No One drive thumbnails

Hi, I seem to be having a problem where I do not get any thumbnails when browsing my onedrive.

The files are stored on the cloud and not locally on my PC, and when I open a folder full of jpg's I only get one or two thumbnails.

However if I open the same folder with file explorer I get all the thumbnails.
I found the registry fix for Windows 1903 but that didnt seem to fix the problem. The only way for me to get any thumbnails in DO is to first open the image , then the thumbnail will appear.

I am on DO 12.19 x64
Windows 10 Pro 1903 build 18362.592

Make sure you aren't running the whole process elevated (it will say administrator in the title bar if you are) as that could block the thumbnails.

(Using UAC and Admin Mode within Opus to elevate operations or individual windows is OK, just don't elevate the whole process when it's launched.)

After File Explorer has obtained thumbnails for offline files, do those thumbnails then appear in Opus if you go to the folder and push F5?

Thank you for responding.

DO is not running elevated, and nothing happens when I press F5. Even after all the the thumbnails are loaded in file explorer.

The only way I can have Onedrive thumbnails in Opus is to set the folders I want to browse to always keep on device, which takes up extra space on my HDD which I was trying to avoid.

Try updating Windows maybe? 1909 has been out for some time now, and each of those updates breaks OneDrive and makes us change how we talk to it.

I updated to 1909 and still no thumbnails in one drive :frowning:

Had this problem for months and months. It really is most frustrating and renders OneDrive virtually useless.

I followed all the advice of upgrading to the latest windows version, but it seemed to make no difference.

In the end I searched the web to find the way of completely removing OneDrive and then reinstalling the very latest version.

A couple of the articles I read said that the registry entries for OneDrive get really screwed up and a completely fresh install sorts them out.

It certainly worked for me. Opus and OneDrive live in perfect harmony.

@auden As you said, OneDrive is virtually useless without thumbnails. My installed (ok in Explorer but no thumbnails in Opus ) OneDrive version is 19.222.1110.0006 which seems to be the latest available so presumably an uninstall before reinstall is needed to repair whatever is broken in the registry. When you "completely removed" OneDrive did you just use the normal Windows application uninstall process or was there more to it than that? Any other advice before I start....?


It is some time since I did the complete re-install, but it was not a simple remove program uninstall. I found quite few articles on the Web that tells how to go about it.

The problem with OneDrive is that Microsoft just love to move the goalposts with each iteration of Windows. But with the latest version of OneDrive and the latest version of Windows, it works a treat with Opus - apart from the odd PDF files that will not thumbnail when you take them off-line.

FWIW I have found that you need to give the Users group write permissions on the troublesome PDF to sort it out.

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As reported by @Orso-Wolf earlier in this thread the only OneDrive thumbnails shown in Opus are for images that are available locally whereas Explorer shows all thumbnails. This is super frustrating. I am running Opus 12.19.4 on the latest Windows 10 - version 1909 build 18363.657. If anyone has successfully overcome this issue and can remember the exact steps, or link to a description of the exact steps, I would be much obliged.

Did you set the value in the registry to enable them?

What registry value? What have I missed?


If I add the OneDriveBugMitigation DWORD key and (re)start Opus, images immediately start downloading from the OneDrive cloud regardless of the key setting, including zero.

A value of 0 disables all the mitigations. If the value isn't present it acts like all the mitigations are turned on (e.g. the default is "all bits on") but if you specify the value then only the bits you set will be turned on.

Okay, understood. Setting to 0xF behaves the same as if the OneDriveBugMitigation DWORD key had not been defined. However, if I set its value to 0xE to enable thumbnail support for images stored only in the cloud and restart Opus, remaining non-local images immediately start downloading. I also tried setting to 0x6 but once again remaining non-local images immediately started downloading.

Yep. They broke thumbnails in 1903, which is why we disabled them by default :slight_smile:

Hey there,
I am experiencing this issue, randomly. I use Icaros to generate thumbnails, everything is working fine, outside the One Drive folder. Inside the OneDrive folder, randomly thumbnails are not working now. They generate fine and visible, but after a sync up to the cloud, the thumbnail is wiped. I have a home machine and a work machine on the exact same OneDrive version and thumbnails are fine on the home machine. I am using Opus 11.15. I have tried everything except for a full One Drive uninstall/ reinstall. This registry fix only applies to 12.15+ I think, as I can't see an entry.

Is there anything else to check ? I have done all the know fixes, deleting cache, explorer settings etc. Thanks a lot.

Thumbnails in the OneDrive folder may depend on what OneDrive's web server knows how to generate. Since the files may not be on the local computer, the thumbnails are generated in the cloud and can only do the handful of formats Microsoft support there.

(Not specific to Opus; Explorer and most things will be the same here, unless the trigger downloading of all files in order to generate their thumbnails locally, which we try to avoid of course.)

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(Edited post update)
I fully reset OneDrive as below, and I also did the same manually. As I copy in all the files Icaros creates all the thumbnails...and over the following couple of days OneDrive deletes them, as discussed above. I thought they were back, then Microsoft helpfully swipes them from me!

Odd thing is I have another PC syncing the same OneDrive...exact same version of One Drive, yet earlier windows version. All thumbnails are there and rock solid. So it may be some windows update or something rather than OneDrive version itself. I will have to look at another workflow solution as being a Graphics professional, thumbnails are critical.

Windows 10  Version	10.0.19045 Build 19045
OneDrive version: Build 23.246.1127.0002 (64-bit)

Using this command -
%localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\onedrive.exe /reset

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So my workflow solution to get around this issue until they stop messing with thumbnails. Think it's working ok.

All projects and data is on D:
Create a Directory Junction for each folder on D: into the OneDrive folder.
All folders are not really in OneDrive but sync up to cloud as if they are.
Hence the thumbnails are all perfect.