Here cyan color files are FLAC and Look at the red mark, Opus can't Read or Write The Publisher Meta Data as MP3 files does, the yellow color files is MP3 and here Publisher Meta Data looks fine
This is the Same files Screen shot from Media Monkey Program. Here All FLAC files Publisher Meta Data Displayed Fine.
Title tells everything. I want the Publisher
option for update Publisher
Column Information for the FLAC files
Maybe a stupid question, I also like complete file-info, but for what is publisher-info in audiotrack good for?
There are lots of Music CD in My Country Bangladesh also in India where The Copyright won by some different Man or Company from the Publisher Company.
Example: Nachiketa's (Nachiketa is a Indian Singer) Albums copyright Wonned by 'Saregama' (Saregama is a Indian Music Company) But The CD's Published by 'HMV' (HMV is Indian another Music Company) So we need 2 different field for Copyright and Publisher.
I Use MediaMonkey for that. MediaMonkey is a Music manager software. If I have asked a stupid question then why a Music manager program have this Publisher field?
When searching for specific music, I'm searching for genre, artist, album or year, but never for copyright or publisher.
I can't answer you, why a music manager offer this field for audio files. As said, I can't imagine in which case it would be useful (for me!). That's why I asked this maybe (for the case there's a good reason) stupid question!
Yes Searching query is different men to men; you need not search by copyright or publisher, but I NEED that, may be there is more men likes me who need that, this is why MediaMonkey even a music manager software but it's offer the Publisher field.
Unfortunately still no explanation why publisher-info is required or useful...
You could also add "publisher's location", but what is it good for?!!
Just my 2 cents...
Some foobar2000 skins use the publisher info to show its logo. I use Georgia skin, looks awesome GitHub - kbuffington/Georgia: Dynamic foobar2000 theme
I have already give an example here:
Some time Same CD Published from different company from different country.
as for example This CD:
This CD Published from 'Melody' in London, So 'Melody' is the Publisher but Copyright owner of this CD is 'Venus Records & Tapes MFG. CO in Bombay, India'. That mean This CD also has an Indian Published version, and This is the same CD published from India
Both of the CD's Copyright owned by 'Venus Records & Tapes MFG. CO' But Publisher is different. for Indian version Publisher is 'Venus Records & Tapes MFG. CO' but for the UK version Publisher is 'Melody' and the UK version's Sound Quality is far better then the Indian version. So I need to track my music database do I have the Indian or UK version of this CD. or maybe some time I need to search some UK version CD's. for this is we need the Publisher field.
Now the Problem is maybe Directory Opus does not read the Publisher field Metadata which update by MediaMoneky or other 3rd party Software. and I want to fix this from the Directory Opus.
Hello Directory Opus, what the progress about publisher meta data for FLAC files
Please Add the Publisher for FLAC file in file display as well as in the Metadata Panel
id3v2 TPUB
The 'Publisher' frame simply contains the name of the label or
I have use dbpoweramp for Rip my CD's. During the Rip There is filed called 'label' I have filled up with the CD's Publisher Company name. After Ripped MP3tag and other software can read the label from the FLAC file. I want Directory Opus have the ability to read and edit that label data via file display and the Metadata panel. Please show some respond.
We are aware of the request. Please stop bumping it.
We've added this to the next beta.