No Right-click menu on drives

I have just upgraded my PC to Windows 10, but since then, no menu comes up on drives under My Computer when you right-click them, just a little rectangle (see attached picture)

When you click on it, nothing happens. What could be the cause of this?

Is it the same if you right-click the same drive within File Explorer?

No, it works in Windows File Explorer, all of them. None of them work in Dopus.

If Preferences / Folders / Virtual Folders / Native display of 'Computer' is turned off, and you close & re-open the window, does the menu work then, or still the same problem?

Hm, interesting. when I turn 'Preferences / Folders / Virtual Folders / Native display of 'Computer' off, and I reopen the window, the menu doesn't work, in fact nothing pops up at all, not even the little rectangle.

What happens if you open Notepad.exe, then use File > Open, go to the same place and right-click the drive. Does that work?

It's likely a shell extension is failing when the menu is opened, and it's either only failing inside of dopus.exe for some reason, or it's only working inside of explorer.exe. Testing in notepad.exe will tell you which, and may rule out Opus being involved at all, although the steps to fix things are the same either way.

To fix things, grab ShellExView and run it. (Make sure you get the 64-bit / x64 version.)

ShellExView will show a long list of shell extensions installed on your system.

Click on the Type column at the top, to sort by type, then focus on the lines where the type is Context Menu.

If you see any which are to do with hard drive tools (e.g. backup, defrag), those are the most likely culprits when it comes to this particular menu. Try right-clicking those lines in ShellExView and choosing the disable option, then reboot and see if things are improved.

If you don't see any tools like that, or disabling them doesn't help, then let's try disabling all of the context menu handlers. Click the top line with Type = Context Menu, then shift-click the bottom line with the same type, to select them all. Right-click and disable, then reboot.

If things are working again, go back in to ShellExView and re-enable a few Context Menu lines at a time, until the problem comes back. That should let you pinpoint a particular component which is breaking the menu.

(You should not need to reboot when enabling things; only when disabling them. In fact, you may not need to reboot at all, but I'm not sure.)

(Note for anyone who finds this thread searching for solutions: If you have problems when right-clicking a file or folder, there is a better way to diagnose the problem, which is in the FAQs. But that method won't work here as a drive is being right-clicked, and those behave a little differently.)

Ah, yes it is a shell extension called ShellToys. I think I actually posted a problem about this program before a few years ago, I can't remember what the solution was but it worked and its been okay since - until today upgrading to Windows 10. Well, now I know what it is, I can just disable it with Dopus. Can this be done? It works with everything else.

For normal files and folders, it's possible to disable a context menu in a way which only affects Opus, but unfortunately not for the drives menu involved here. Opus doesn't actually build that menu like it does most of the others; it just asks Windows to build and display it.

(For that reason, it's unusual for something to fail in that menu in Opus but work everywhere else, unless it only works in Explorer, which happens with some extensions.)

So does that mean I have to uninstall it altogether? It works in Explorer, the Desktop etc so I would like to keep if for those and it also has other tools which are seperate from the context menu that I really like. Dopus crashed just now (after I tried enabling ShellToys again in ShellEXView). A dialog box from Dopus popped up asking to block it from now on. That never happened before. I clicked Ok anyway. It works elsewhere. I think its listed in 'Preferences>Advanced>ignore_context_menus' as blocked. Is it safe to keep it this way and still use it, although not with Dopus?

It's probably safe, although the block wouldn't normally affect the drive right-click menu (to the best of my knowledge) so you may still have problems with that.

Of course, if you start seeing problems with right-click menus in other programs, remember it might be involved, but otherwise there's no reason to uninstall it if it doesn't seem to be causing any problems.

Okay, Thanks! I'll keep an eye on this, and in the meantime I may look for an alternative program that has similar tools that I can use instead. It's no use in keeping it if it may corrupt other apps. Thank you for your help :slight_smile: