No standard functions on button/toolbar edit

I can't seem to modify the standard toolbars (add a button). And when I add a custom toolbar and right click on it and select "customize", I get the customize requester, but there doesn't seem to be a way to add a button. Anybody seen this before? I uninstalled DOpus and reinstalled to no avail.

I went so far as to create a VMWare VM and installed DOpus on it, and everything worked properly.

I'm running Windows 8 64bit and DOpus64 v10.3.0 Registered.

Also, how do I post an image to show this?


Also, on the "Customize" requester I only get "Toolbar" and "Keys" tabs, normally I would get "Commands" and "Context Menus" tabs as well.

Thanks (again!)

Well, you´re using Opus Light, which has certain limitations. You can compare the feature list here:

Opus Light has more limited customisation options. You can add extra toolbars which you can edit, but you can't edit the default toolbars. Similarly, the Commands and Context Menus tabs are missing.

(Opus Light is intended for people who mainly want to use Opus as-is, without much customisation, although it does still allow some.)

Ah. That explains it. I've been using Opus for many moons, but had never seen what "Lite" looks like. What's the easiest way to change it?

(Also, I remember when I did the install on the VM, it ASKED me if I wanted to use Lite or Pro. I just reinstalled on the main OS and it didn't give me that option)

During evaluation you can switch between Light and Pro whenever you want to compare the two versions.

But your forum account indicates that the version you bought was Opus Light, so installing that certificate will always put you into Light mode. (Unless you've also bought or upgraded to Opus Pro, but haven't updated the forum account.)

If you want to upgrade from Light to Pro for the price difference, you can do that here.

If you've already done that, or have multiple licences of different types, you may just have found the old licence in your email instead of the updated one. You can install the Pro licence over the top of the Light one to switch modes, if that's the case. (You should be able to use this page to update your forum account to indicate Pro instead of Light as well, if you wish.)

Thanks a lot. I didn't even realize that's the one I paid for. I'll do the upgrade shortly.

Thanks for the help!

That worked. I figured it was something easy to fix. Thanks for the help!

Glad it's all working, and thanks for upgrading to Pro!