
I've just been trying to get rid of some of the clutter in my right click Context Menu. Under Send To all my drives are listed. I want to get rid of them.

I have added the NoDrivesInSendToMenu entry in the registry and set it to 1 but the drives still appear there. A search in this forum tells me that Dopus did not respect this entry (although Windows Explorer did) but this was put right in V9.

Has it reverted? Am I missing something? As it is, the drive entries do not appear in Windows Explorer but continue to do so in Dopus

Win 7 63 Bit
Dopus (5080)

It still works here as far as I can tell. The attached registry file should set the correct key for you. (272 Bytes)

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That did it Jon, thank you.


woops, I Thanked too soon (well, not really :slight_smile: --

How can I still allow the "Send To" to removable drives only?
... seems like I've always been able to do this, until now??

Depending on the registry setting:

Explorer (at least in Windows 7) shows either removable drives or no drives.

Opus shows either all drives or no drives.

ok, thx Leo -- it'll just be drag & drop then, no worries