Not able to rate .flac files, applying meta-data corrupts files

Hello there and thank you in advance for the help.

I'm running windows 10 and for some reason I'm completely unable to rate any .flac file. MP3 works perfectly fine. Going into the meta-data pane or the right click properties menu both do nothing. I've also tried 3rd party apps like MusicBee and they can't rate them either.

Another issue I've seen is that a file becomes unusable after applying comment and tags. I use both the comment and tag columns as a sorting system and once in awhile it will destroy one of my files. I use the comments and tags specifically because they can be applied to any file type.

I tried to reproduce it. Result: something is done, because the hash of the file changes, but Opus still does not show the applied rating.

If I apply the rating using my media player, AIMP, then Opus reads the rating correctly.

I did not test the comments and tags part.

Note that the Right-Click > Properties window is part of Windows (plus shell extensions, potentially) and no part of it comes from or is related to Opus, other than that Opus can ask Windows to open the Properties window for a file.

So it looks like both Opus and Windows 10 itself do not properly change the ratings tag on FLAC files, although I have not looked in detail yet.

The same happens when using File Explorer, with Opus completely out of the picture.

Yep, same here. Opus nor Windows explorer show the updated rating. MD5 Checksum changes every time I try to apply the rating but no visible changes.

Hm, I downloaded that program and rated a music file but it hasn't done anything in Opus. Unless I need to press something to apply rating changes, I've never use that program before.

Thanks for the reply Leo.

Yeah, I wanted to make sure it wasn't just a problem with Opus. I've tried to rate at least 20 flac files with no success. Windows 10 is supposed to have full flac support. To be honest I really wish windows would get it's Metadata game together. The ability to use meta-data is so restricted and inconsistent, it's a pain.

By default it uses an internal database to store the rating. You must configure it to store the rating on the file. Should not be too hard to find that option on the settings interface.

Did that and yep, it worked. So the questions becomes, why does it work with AIMP but not Dopus, windows explorer, or music bee?