I had a problem where when my computer booted I clicked the wrong box on Microsoft blue screens following boot up, and it moved all my folders around to put them on OneDrive. I'm trying to recover from that and having problems.
One issue I don't understand is that in Explorer the folder, This PC includes 7 sub folders such as Desktop, Documents, Music, etc. and a section Devices that includes my C and D drives.
However in Opus all I see under This PC, are my C and D drives.
Please explain.
Also, if you can help - when I tried to move Documents back from OneDrive and reset it, that moved it to C. But I want all my files on D, so I changed its path to D, and now Docs appears to be the top root folder on D, so that everything I had on D is now included in Documents. If I go to This PC, I see Music, Pictures, Videos, but no Documents. If I go to the root of D drive I also do NOT see Documents. To see Docs I have to go to Libraries, I see it there, but when I click on it the entire contents of D drive appear to be located in Documents.
I am totally confused. Would screen shots help. Any assistance would be much appreciated. I have now wasted 4 hrs. on this.
My problems are deeper than your solution, but I tried what you said. Re Show non-drive folders, I couldn't do that since This PC was greyed out.
Re the 2nd change all it added was Shared folders and that still did not have all that Explorer had.
I may need to try messaging with you. Can we do that?
Also, I have my preferences set for email notification, and its been an hour since you replied and I had no notification. I just happened to come back to see what was up.
Oh, I see. I made both suggested changes and all it did was add a folder named Shared Folders that was empty.
However, the bigger issuer I have, is one of the items stated above, namely,
Docs appears to be the top root folder on D, so that everything I have on D is now included in Documents. If I go to This PC, I see Music, Pictures, Videos, but no Documents. If I go to the root of D drive I also do NOT see Documents. To see Docs I have to go to Libraries, I see it there, but when I click on it the entire contents of D drive appear to be located in Documents.
Previously I only had documents under Docs and my various other folders on D drive were directly on D, not a sub folder of Documents. It that something that OneDrive now does? I have since turned off OneDrive, planning to use Google Docs instead, but would like to get my drive back the way it belongs.
This isn't really anything to do with Opus. It's disgraceful that Microsoft have decided to unilaterally move everyone's data into Onedrive without asking, but there are plenty of guides online for undoing it (I had to use one myself when setting up a new laptop recently).
It turns out that part of the issue was OneDrive but part was my user error. When I tried to move Documents back where I wanted it I typed in the location as D:. I thought that would put it at the top of D along with my other folders. Today I realized I needed to type D:\Documents. My bad. So now I have done that and things are still confusing. Please see the screen shots from Opus and Explorer. They seem to be giving me different information.
In Opus I show you D and Libraries. On the left you see the contents of D. Notice there is a folder called Documents and it is empty. You can see the box for Document properties and it shows it is on D. There is also a folder CONTAINER. It's properties show it is also on D. On the right side you see that CONTAINER appears to also be inside of Documents. I believe that is a different Documents folder (perhaps). That folder is a Library and I show its properties in the inset box.
Now look at Explorer. It show a D folder on This PC, and Documents and CONTAINER on D. Under Libraries/Documents it shows that D is inside of Document and there is also a Documents inside as well. But under Libraries where you still see a Documents folder and beneath it another Documents folder, but CONTAINER is not in it; instead you see it under Storage (D:). You can see the properties for the top level Documents folder. The properties for the subsidiary Documents folder are shown to its right.
I know this is mainly a windows and user-error problem but in part I'm confused about the discrepancies between Explorer and Opus.
Any assistance you can provide would be appreciated.
Should I try Restore Defaults on the Document Library which might move it to C: and then I could move it back to D:
In Opus I tried moving CONTAINER out of the Library on the right screen to the D: folder on the left screen but it is still in the Library. Opus seems to think that D is subsidiary to Library/Documents.
Agreed. First screenshot shows d:\ with the documents icon in the treeview.
What I would do :
Right click properties for this document folder showing d:\ in this pc (3rd item) to verify its the defined documents folder for the pc, and if so, relocate it to where you want/have your documents (I would guess d:\Documents but not sure)
Clean-up your "Documents library" to have it include only the proper documents folder.
EDIT : Agreed means d:\ is the documents folder. This can also be seen in the second screenshot where all d:\ content is shown in the library content (right pane)
Thank you all for the quick replies. However, when I click on properties for This PC/Documents (the 3rd item as you suggested) it shows that it is already in d:\documents. See screen shot.
And when you say "clean up your Documents Library, do you mean just delete the other documents folders, after I move their contents elsewhere?
Would be interesting to see the content of d:\Documents folder. Seems to be empty according to your second screenshot. Which is not really consistent. Content of d:\OneDrive might also be of interest.
Clean-up documents library meant go to library edit (first properties window in your first screenshot, the one with only one tab named "library") and edit the "library locations" list so it only points to d:\Documents and that's the one set as the save location.
But if your real documents folder is not the root of d: which includes the OneDrive folder, it makes sense to keep the one drive folder ...
Since something feels weird, at least for the moment, I would remove from this list the d:\OneDrive folder.
EDIT : Did you change something between the first screenshot and the last ? On the first one, treeview's third item is d:\ whereas in the last it is "Documents" ...
No I didn't change anything between the screen shots.
I have now deleted the onedrive subfolders as suggested. Here is what I now see, somewhat different between Opus and Explorer. I have provided data on the 4 instances of Documents in Explorer and the instances in Opus.
One other question. See the 3rd screen shot. I have two instances of Music. I don't see this under Libraries in Opus. If I click on the second instance of music I see what is shown in 4th screen shot.
If I click the X in the warning box or the OK, the box closes and then when I right click the 2nd music there is no delete option. Likewise in the Explorer menu at the top, Delete does not work. And since the Music inside the Music folder does not appear in Opus I cannot delete it there. Thoughts?
For the music : you do not have two instances of music. What you see is the expected behaviour of libraries : they are collections of folders. Note it is the same with the Documents library which contains only one folder (also named Documents).
I think that the problem you face is that this library contains only one folder which is the one mentioned in the error dialog under d:\OneDrive. It was probably set there by the "move 2 one drive" process. You then probably deleted that folder or moved it back to your original location under d:\Music.
You can try :
To recreate that folder path by hand
Right click / properties that folder that is (for Windows) your current Music special folder.
Relocate this folder to d:\Music
If the library is not automatically updated, update it by hand so it has only one folder which will be your correct Music folder.
Sorry I can not test easily, I am currently on holidays with no pc at hand (just my phone and some remote access to pc ... not easy).
No apologies needed. You have been a big help. Turns out after a reboot the location not available warning went away. I mostly have things cleaned up. One more question for tonight.
See the new image. It shows 3 instances of Downloads. The first two go where I want them, to D:\ and both of them allow me to change their location. The third instance in Library\Documents\Documents does not allow a location change (that tab is missing, and also is missing in Opus). Unfortunately that is where my downloads currently go. I was thinking of deleting that Download or dragging it somewhere, but since that is what the system is looking for, I'm concerned what might happen.
If I go windows Settings\System\Storage it just shows that new documents and everything except apps goes to D:. Any thoughts?
Sorry to have intruded on your vacation. You Opus fellows are oh so helpful!
I think you are getting confused by Windows special folders.
Those special folders (Documents, Downloads, Music, Photos, ...) are visible in Quick Access and in "This PC".
Being a special folder does not prevent from being tied to a real folder on your computer. That's the reason why their properties dialog shows a "Location" tab so you can change the real folder theyr are pointing to.
Second thing is the libraries : they are collections of folders that exist somewhere on your computer. You can see what folder(s) is/are contained in the properties of the library.
So the "third instance" of Downloads you mention is actually the folder d:\Documents\Downloads
Now, to your "Dowloads" folders :
The first two are the same in fact : they are the special "Download" folder. For that, they have the location tab in their properties dialog
The last one is a just a regular folder, hence no location tab in properties dialog.
What you seem to want is to change the location of your Downloads special folder so it points to this folder (aim at the real folder on d:\ rather than via the library) but I would advise that the dowload folder is not a subfolder of the documents folder.
EDIT : on second thought, I'm not sure what you mean by
I don't know if it's where you want them to go or if it's where your browser downloads the file.
You should decide where you want your Downloads special folder to be and relocate it accordingly, and might have to change the settings in your browser to make it download to that folder.
Thank you for the education and reminder that the download location is set in Firefox. I think I have things pretty much back to where I wanted. Also a friend suggested ditching my relationship with OneDrive and using Google Docs desktop app instead. I think I will give that a try.
You are such a fine teacher. I think I got it. One more curiosity. I have gotten almost everything put back correctly and learned much along the way. The very few folders that I want in OneDrive are now there. My libraries all look good. I let OneDrive sync and it did ok.
The one remaining issue was that my music library said it was still in c:\users\elliott where OneDrive had moved it after a win update when I carelessly kept hitting next on its blue bootup screens, not realizing the check box MS had selected was one that let OneDrive do what it wanted. I will be more careful next time. Anyway, I wanted to move the Library back to D but I already had a Music on D, so I changed the file on D to Music2. I figured once Music was relocated to D, I could move Music2 into it.
See the jpg. Here is where I am. My Music library is now on D but the folder it says it links to is Music2. In fact, it does seem they are linked. See the New Folder that I created in Music2 (it is called Music in the jpg, but more on that in a minute) and it shows up in the Music library. So, then I changed the name of Music2 to Music and wondered if the Library would link to that. It still does link to it, but when I open its properties, it says it is still linked to Music2, even though Music2 no longer exists.
I thought I could then add Music to the library but when I tried it said there was already a folder with that name in the Library. This isn’t a problem at this point, more a curiosity. It all seems to work, but if I want to get the labels correct, could I select Remove Music2 in the Library properties box, and then add back Music. I was concerned about hitting Remove since I don’t know if that would delete Library from the PC or if it just delete the contents of the Library.
This is a bit weird ...
In the Music properties dialog on the right, what does the Location tab is saying ?
For the libraries : adding/removing does not affect files on your computer, just the content of what the library is. But before changing that, it would be better to understand what the situation really is.
Note : Since libraries are a way to combine in one place multiple folders scattered around your pc related to the same topic, I would suggest not using them if you have only one folder into it. Just use the Windows special folders.