So I'd just wanted an update if there is now any way to obtain the previous month code using the date function?
Background: I regularily get report files by mail at the start of a new month which cover the last month and I'd like to have a shortcut which subtracts one month of the date function to get into the right folder.
Here's an example about how I imagine to get there:
I just tried linking my account - it tells me that my registration number is already linked. It's a 5 place registration, might this cause issues with other links for the same licence? Or did I already link but forget about it?
I didn't hear yet from the support concerning the linkage of the accounts. How shall we continue? I'd gladly learn more about applying date arithmetic with scripting, but I need some entry points to start from.
I optimised the script for my needs - I had a double subfolder (year/Month in "MM MMM")
And the following script creates and opens the folder in one step.
[code]@script vbscript
Function OnClick(ByRef clickData)
RootPath = "PathToReportFolderRoot"