Occasionally Windows 11 Taskbar Doesn't Show Labels for Opus

I noticed that when using the native Windows 11 taskbar and icon ungrouping with labels shown, on occasion an Opus lister won't show a label. I've never seen another application behave this way.
Is there a setting to fix this, or is this a bug?

Do the windows themselves have titles? If so it is a bug, but not in Opus; in the Windows 11 taskbar.

The windows is open to This PC and have a title that say This PC. However no other program seems to have this issue. After a little while the label will appear.

Bug in the taskbar then. We have no involvement in how the taskbar displays windows.

Wouldn't be the first bug in the Windows 11 taskbar. It was needlessly re-written by a company that no longer has the competence to do anything right.

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I guess I'm going back to StartAllBack. I was trying to use Windows the way Microsoft intended because they seem to be removing the legacy taskbar code in 24H2. Hopefully 3rd party developers come up with a solution to fix Microsoft's mess.

I really think all of the developers who knew what they were doing have long retired.

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@Leo I noticed that this issue only occurs when one lister is open. It's very strange. See below:

Maybe related to the thing adding upload/download numbers to that area on the taskbar?

In any case, it has nothing to do with us! We don't render the taskbar; Windows does.

No, it happens on my work computer too which doesn't have any of that. Very strange!

The latest Windows Preview Update 22631.3371 which is currently in the Release Preview channel fixes this bug!!