Installed Directory Opus 13.9 on a new computer (Windows ARM). I am finding that its not picking up all the context menu items items like OneDrive and PDF-XChange Editor. I didn't have this issue on my last laptop. Any advice?
File Explorer is acting fine. What I'm getting in DOPUS
It's usually very easy to add them buttons or context menu items for anything that has a command-line interface to tell it which files to act on.
Many programs do, although not all.
(Context Menu-driven programs can also be automated in many cases, but that probably won't help here if the context menu handlers aren't working for some reason. (Although it could solve some specific problems. So if you're stuck with a particular menu items, we can go into detail on that in case it's worth trying.)
Thank you for all your help. I've moved to another file manager that has arm native architecture and the context menu is working. It's not as snappy as Directory Opus even though DO was emulated. Id consider moving back to DO if this worked.
We'll probably have a native ARM build in the future, so keep an eye out for that.
(Unless Microsoft's latest attempt to get Windows on ARM crashes and burns like the previous three or so. But hopefully this one will actually take off.)