OneDrive & Google Drive, why file sync icon info are displayed online/offline differently?

Hi, do you also have these incoherences in Directory Opus when working in OneDrive and Google Drive files ?

  • For OneDrive files in DO: There is an icon overlay indicating the sync status. But contrary to Google Drive, there is a sync status column.
  • For Google Drive files in DO: There are no sync status column. But contrary to OneDrive, there is an icon overlay.

I have to work with OneDrive and Google Drive (like certainly many other people) due to clients and I find it annoying to deal with these inconsistencies on a daily basis. Regards

Icon overlays come from Windows and the cloud providers’ shell extensions.

The mechanism for overlays only allows for a handful of them to be used, after which new ones don’t work (until you restart the process and do things in a different order, so different overlays are seen first).

This is why Microsoft themselves are moving to using a column for this kind of thing instead of overlays. Although they could fix the mechanism, they’ve chosen not to, perhaps because it also causes problems if more than one overlay applies to the same file.

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Google don't use the Microsoft Cloud API as far as I know, they have chosen to implement their cloud solution as a virtual drive. You'd need to ask them why they went that way.

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Thank you both of you for these info about OneDrive & Google file sync icons.