I have checked the forum but have not been able to find anything regarding a button to open a file with the windows default file handler. Is there one? I did see this post Command: Open file using extensions or mime-types to choose program but was wanting to click on the "Open" button and the file would open according to the default file handler in Windows settings. Or is this not realistic? I'm not a coder or very tech savy in this area!
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Double click on the file in a file display of a lister and the program will open based on its extension and the default file handler in Windows - or am I missing something.
Sorry I missed out the part where I select multiple files to open! As in the screenshot if I select multiple files to open is there a button I can use to open them directly without having to use the context menu?
It wasn't working but then just realised I was still in customise mode. In working mode it does exactly as I hoped. thanks so much for your assistance. Directory Opus really is awesome!