Open FTP sites in lister with hotkey

Hi, I want to have a hotkey for opening a FTP lister with the site list. I have a hotkey since before to bring up the FTP Connect dialog but since Opus 10, I would like to have it open the sites I have defined in a folder in the FTP Adress book in the active lister.

I type "Go FTP" to have it open the dialog box. Anyone can help me with with this? If I type
Go ftp://worksites it only tries to connect to a server with that name instead of listing the sites under worksites in the FTP adresss book.

The location bar says:
"ftp://worksites" when going from Desktop to FTP to worksites... So the same location actually can show different things.

I think this is a little confusing.

If you go to the folder (via the tree etc.) and then bookmark it, the bookmark seems to work (even though its path is still ftp://worksites or similar). You can then assign a hotkey to the bookmark (via Preferences - Favorites List).

Alternatively, if you always want a new lister to open, not to make the current one go somewhere, then an easier way to do that is use a Layout. Just go to the folder you want, like before, but instead of creating a bookmark use Settings -> Lister Layouts -> Save This Lister. You can then recall that layout via a hotkey which runs Prefs LAYOUT="My Layout Name"

Cool, thank you, that worked wonders! =)