Open newly selected document in a button

For following button, which command can open that newly created document, to have it ready to write into?

Go "..." Openinright
Set Focus=right
Copy COPYFILETIMES=no "123.rtf" HERE AS "Chat {date|dd-MMM-yy} {time|HH 'Uhr' mm}.rtf"

WordPad and probably all word processing applications you'll find on your system.

Opus itself doesn't have an .rtf editor, I think.

I meant, that there's a new rtf file created already, but maybe Opus could open it for me. Saving that extra click. Like Go {f} (which didn't work).

The button already copies a RTF template, so it's only about opening it.

You could end with

"Chat {date|dd-MMM-yy} {time|HH 'Uhr' mm}.rtf"

and let the system open the file with whatever the default for .rtf files is.

I only need to open that new file. It's a custom made template, which i would like to use, with a different font (Arial).

"The system" would be me then, in that case. So i cannot save that extra click to open the newly created file. Got to live with that.

Maybe i can create a macro for that. :thinking:

Seems to be working.

Go "..." Openinright
Set Focus=right
Copy COPYFILETIMES=no "123.rtf" HERE AS "Chat {date|dd-MMM-yy} {time|HH 'Uhr' mm}.rtf"
FileType ACTION=shellex

Oh, ok, FileType ACTION=shellex. I almost suspected, there could be an internal Opus command that can do this. It works well. Thanks all!

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You could run the program you want on the file directly as well, like in the post I linked to.

That would be a possibility, but since i'm thinking about an usage on different machines, with editors other than Wordpad (E.g. Write.exe or Notepad), Hardkorn's tip is alright. Although those editors won't work properly with my template (Notepad wouldn't i guess).