Open selected item of recent locations list in new tab in current lister or a in brand new lister

When I right-click the Go Up button, it opens this list in the image.

Is it possible to open the selected item of the recent locations list in the new tab in the current lister or a brand new lister?


From the image above, I mean to right-click any of the Recent List items and open it current lister, or brand new lister.

Is it possible to do so?


The button uses USEQUALKEYS, so yes:

Activates pre-configured behaviour for the main qualifier keys - Control will open the recent folder in the dual-display, Shift in a new Lister and Alt in a new tab.

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Thanks for your reply.
Please, is it an option or a sub-option I cannot figure it out.

Not sure what you mean... just press Alt or Shift while you left-click the entry.

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Alt => New tab in the current lister.
Shift = New Lister.
Exactly what I was looking for my friend.
But what does USEQUALKEYS refer to or used with? Or is it a concept?

It's an argument:


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You are much appreciated.
Please, the page includes:
Example: Recent USEQUALKEYS
Where to apply that?