Opening layouts opens multiple windows

I am trialling Dopus on Windows XP x64 Pro.

I imported my .dps file from Dopus on my older 32-bit XP machine. I just chose the options "miscellaneous data" and "local state data" when I imported.

Now when I load a layout using a command such as Pefs LAYOUT="Archive" it opens a new layout but also keeps the existing layout and lister windows open.

Also I notice I'm getting multiple listers if I repeatedly click the Dopus icon in the task bar. Previously it would only open one.

How can I set Dopus9 so it closes the existing layout as it switches to the new one, which is the behaviour I was seeing in Dopus 8?


In Opus 8 there was just a global setting as to whether opening new layouts would close existing Listers or not. In Opus 9, this setting is per-layout rather than global.

The conversion process is supposed to copy your old global setting over to all your existing layouts but it sounds like this didn't work for some reason. If you go into Preferences / Listers / Layouts, you'll just need to set the option for each of your layouts manually.