Option to display as their dos 8 character versions

Is there an option to display a list of files as they would under a dos machine (ie as 8 characters plus extension)?

You can add the Short Name column for that.

Thank you for the information.

When I add a Short Name column, the files display the whole of the filename but all in uppercase. Is there a way of changing the behaviour?

Short names are all uppercase.

Sorry, I did not explain myself properly. A file name longer than 8 characters (eg "This is a file name which is longer than 8 character.pdf) is still displaying all the characters (ie "THIS IS A FILE NAME WHICH IS LONGER THAN 8 CHARACTER.PDF") and not its 8 character equivalent (ie "THISIS~1.TXT").

However, I think I have found the cause of the issue:

  1. Files stored on a local drive do display as their 8 character equivalent,

  2. Files stored on a network drive do not show their 8 character equivalent, but still show their full name (but in upper case). This is whether the network drive is accessed through eg \networkdrive or assigned a mapped drive letter.

Is there a way to overcome this?

What kind of network drive?

Is it an operating system that actually supports short names?

The names come from the filesystem; they are not generated on-the-fly by Opus. If the filesystem does not use/support short names (or has that support disabled) then the short names won't exist.

Apologies for not providing the information (I did not realise it was important).

The operating systems (I tried on two) are:

  1. Windows 7 Professional 64 bit (accessing a NAS device connected through an internal network, Netgear Stora MS2120)
  2. Windows XP Professional (running as a guest under VirtualBox accessing the host's local drives)

As I wrote before, they both show 8 character filenames when accessing local drives just not through networking.

If you open a Command Prompt and run dir /x against the network drive, does it list the short names?


[code]C:> dir /x \server\users\Public
Volume in drive \server\users is System
Volume Serial Number is 1234-5678

Directory of \server\users\Public

14/Jul/2009 08:49 .
14/Jul/2009 08:49 ..
17/Apr/2010 16:35 DOCUME~1 Documents
21/Mar/2010 13:09 DOWNLO~1 Downloads
29/Sep/2009 03:15 Music
29/Sep/2009 03:16 Pictures
29/Sep/2009 00:46 RECORD~1 Recorded TV
29/Sep/2009 00:45 Videos
0 File(s) 0 bytes
8 Dir(s) 9,430,138,880 bytes free[/code]

No in neither case. Does this mean that is simply not possible to do (because a short name is not being generated)?

Correct. There are no short names on that network drive.