Option to reverse the Backlist part of the History

I'm looking for a way to reverse history. :wink: No, this isn't about time travel (Ha!) but about the Command Go HISTORYLIST.

For testing I created the following nested folders:

D:\ > 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 7

I opened a new lister on D: and then navigated down to folder 7, then went back 3x to folder 4. So now:

 > 1
  > 2
   > 3
    > 4 <= you are here
     > 5
      > 6
       > 7

From Go History I would expect a similarly sorted list. However, it shows:

ie. with the Backlist reversed, which confuses me.:face_with_spiral_eyes:

Could you provide an option like Go HISTORY=reversebacklist? And while you're at it, perhaps add Go BACKLIST=reverse as well?

Thank you very much for your consideration!

Are Go BACKLIST and Go FORWARDLIST more what you want?

Thanks, but no, they aren't, because BACKLIST is sorted the "wrong" way as well:
It's usable, obviously, but (for me) not ideal.