Using Dopus 9.5 on a Win 7 x64 system. Has been running fine but now getting crashes and error message. Nothing works accept reboot of PC. The problem has repeated several times in past two days. I uninstalled and reinstalled Dopus and even tried ver 9.5.1.
It started this right after I updated my Ilium eWallet to ver 7. Not sure if that is a direct result or not. Anyone else having this issue? Any suggestions? Thanks
I did file an official support request with GPSoft.
I would try installing first unless you've already tried with it and still got the crashes. (There's an issue with at the moment. More info at the top of that FAQ.)
Thank you for the suggestions, I was running 9.5 when the problem started. A check on the "Use Shell Image Extractor" showed it was already disabled. Still trying to determine if there is a particular folder or plugin that may be the issue. But I have had the issue occur during use as well immediately upon starting dopus. I am not seeing an issue with any other programs or windows functions. The problem started after I updated eWallet to ver 7 but that may just be a coincidence.
...Just remembered that disabling things via ShellExView may not affect Opus. But you can use it to see if there are any relevant-looking extensions and if there are we can explain how to disable them.
OK, ran the shellexview program and it shows nothing related to ewallet. I can confirm that ewallet is the problem. I can repeat the issue 100% by using dopus after a system reboot without the problem and as soon as I use the new ver 7 of ewallet dopus will crash. When I have time I will try to uninstall ewallet reinstall ver 6 and see if the problem goes away. I hope ver 6 can reconvert the files from 7 back to 6...
Removed eWallet ver 7 and reinstalled ver 6. Had to go back to an old ver 6 data file and then manually bring it up to date. But all is working now and the issue of Dopus crashing is gone. Have sent emails to Dopus and ilium that there is a compatibility problem with eWallet 7. Thanks for your help and suggestions Leo...
Just another confirmation that Directory Opus is dying repeatedly and I'm using eWallet 7 too. I have tried going back to 9.5.0 with the same problem. If there is a choice between the two products, there is no way I can go back to eWallet 6 as it's been updated too much and I have it syncing with my iPhone, so it's off to find another explorer product or stick with Windows 7 Explorer unfortunately. Oh and just to confirm it's ONLY with the 64 bit version of DOpus.
Has anyone reported these problems to the eWallet team?
Just searching for "eWallet 7 crash" I found some recent comments about it crashing Explorer and Internet Explorer, and they said they were looking into them. Sounds like the issues are not limited to just Opus and are probably on the eWallet side rather than anywhere else:
Thanks for the blog post link. Checking further in their blog, they have released a 7.02 version that works around a Windows 7 bug so at least it's not crashing anymore. Thanks.