I am currently implementing Directory Opus Pro for use in our small consulting business. We have a number of employees working remotely, and currently use 3rd party synchronising software (Goodsync) so each team member can work from local copies of their files. These automatically mirror to a central physical server upon any file change and vice-versa. I prefer Opus as it gives us flexibility to organise our (large) folder structures using 'Labels' like Status Icons and colours, much better than Explorer allowed us to do.
The issue is that Opus Labels do not currently propagate across the sync, i.e. if I set a local folder's status to Important, this will not be replicated on the server side (i.e will not be visible to others). This is a major drawback as we find ourselves having to 'double up' on changing statuses which is frustrating (I am sure there is a better way). I do not know enough about the way Opus works however (metadata structure etc) to configure our sync software to recognise and synchronise changes to the 'Label' of a file (in the same way it does the actual contents of that file). I have experimented with other meta-data such as a file's Rating (
) and this seems to work as desired.
Any advice would be appreciated,