Opus slow

Likely I am the only one, but it strikes me that Opus became (very) slow over since a few days, or week or so.
Even when renaming just a few files (4-5) a pop-up shows up for some 5 seconds, before I can perform the actually rename (enter the old-new-boxes at the top)

Or just starting Opus from the taskbar, it takes somewhere between 15-20 seconds before showing up. Opus always starts in a default folder (\Downloads) and it used to be much faster.

Are there any settings that I should check out?
Or did something changed in v.13.13?

Is doing similar things to the same files slow in other programs as well?

See General slowdown or instability investigation steps for general ideas.

Thanks. I'll get back on this. Will go thru the above "General slowdown or instability investigation steps" tomorrow.

Thanks again. I have applied a number of settings. Let's see.