Opus: "The Other Manual"

Hey guys,

It's been a while, hope you're all doing great.
Some quick announcements:

  1. New page on the site about DO12 Features (spoiler alert: it rocks!)
  2. Updated toolbars

Thanks for any feedback. :slight_smile:


Sorry I didn't make a full change log about the toolbars, but here are a few notes.

  1. The labelling functionality now has its own button. It includes the new status feature from DO12. Also label application is now cumulative, i.e. a file can be bold AND red. Added Bold button, Italic, Underline (with shortcuts). For it to work, add Bold and Italic styles in Prefs / File and Folder Labels

  2. It seems to make sense to start adding presets under the Convert menu. To get the ball rolling, "33%" converts to an image 33% the size.

  3. Some shortcuts I wrote down over time (probably not exhaustive)

Ctrl + U: create url
Ctrl + Sh + : create shortcut here (from SpiroC: Paste URL from clipboard text? )

Ctrl + I no longer Invert (now launches imdb for the current movie using the Movie Database script's naming convention)
Ctrl + Shift + I no longer makes img link from file name (now searches imdb)
Ctrl + M no longer Edit Medatata (now toggles movie mode)
Ctrl + Alt + M: toggle Comics view (in the Folders button)
Ctrl + Alt + B: Bold this file or folder
Ctrl + Alt + I: Italicize this file or folder

Ctrl + F12: Customize Toolbars
Alt + F12: Go to the "Settings" alias

Ctrl + Ins: Copy the path
Ctrl + Alt + V: Go to the path in the clipboard

Changed Locking shortcuts
Ctrl + K: toggle Navlock
Ctrl + Alt + K: toggle Tab lock