Other PC cant read CD burned with Opus

I have burned a CD 3 different times, and two other PC's showed the disk as a blank disk. This happened with "Support Windows CD writing system" checked and unchecked.

I can read it on this PC with an Opus window or a Windows explorer window.

Has anyone else seen this?

Is this Opus related? Opus doesn't burn CDs, except either through the Windows XP CD-burning stuff (in which case Windows is burning the CD and Opus just adds files to the set that get burned) or via the Nero toolbar (in which case Nero is burning the CD and Opus just supplies a list of filenames).

Have you tried with other CD writing software etc.? This sort of thing can be due to the CD writer or the media being used. Writing the CD at a slower speed sometimes works around the problem.

I probobly should add this...

This happened when copying files these ways:

Highlighting file and doing a "send to D:"

Dragging and dropping from opus window to D drive in opus window.

Dragging and droping from an opus window to a windows explorer.

After writing CD, i removed it and reinserted it, file was there. I even played file (movie) from the disk.

Two other PC's cant see the file.

Opus still isn't involved in burning the CDs beyond sending filenames to whatever program is doing the burning.

If the wrong files got put on the CD then there might be something going wrong in Opus but since the files are fine but the CD itself is only readable on the local hardware then it's going to be down to the burning software or the physical CD writer/media and not Opus.

You could try doing the same thing using just Explorer to confirm this.

OK, this is strange... when i copy files to the CD, the title of the disk has "Roxio" in it. I had installed Easy Media Creator before and uninstalled it.

The file system shows to be CDUDF, whatever that is. The drivers in properties are Microsoft drivers.

Could this be an issue?

It could be, yes. Maybe the Roxio software creates CDs in a format that can't be read by all other machines unless they have the software installed.

Ok, I had already cleaned out everything from the Registry with "roxio" or "easy media creator" , so it should be clean, but apparently not.

I looked at an older disk i copied (pre Roxio) and its file system is CDFS. what is the difference between this and CDUDF?

I knew i hated that company's software for a reason. I realize we may be getting off Opus topic here, my apologies. i did use only Windows Explorer window and Send To, and will try CD on other systems. Something else i noticed, the file went directly to the CD , not to a temp dir where i must "Write these files to CD", like it used to.

I am figuring this is not a function of Opus?

Don't know myself. Try Google as there were lots of FAQs on CD writing, software and filesystems last time I looked. (I can't remember a good FAQ now but I'm sure they're out there.)

Correct. Opus doesn't write CDs, it just passes filenames to other things which do.

Well why didn't you say so? :slight_smile:

Thanks, folks.. on Roxio's support site to see how to restore my PC to it Pre-Roxio state.

Wondering out loud exactly what "unistall" means anymore. when i think uninstall , the s/w shoud uninstall every damn thing it put in, not leave over 100 registry entries.


Roxio left 3 drivers that got loaded at boot time, one a CDUDF driver. I found these using a prog called Security Task Manager.

I quarantined these drivers, then uninstalled the CD drive entirely from XP thru device manager and rebooted. At startup, XP gave me this message:
"upper and lower CD filter registry entries were incorrect, this was fixed, reboot in order to access CD...." and told me to reboot once more.

So, i rebooted again, and TA DA. CDFS again.

Maybe this will help someone else who had the misfortune to use Roxio EMC and has similiar issues.